Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Speaking in public can create unbelievable amounts of stress, feelings of nervousness, and anxiety for a large group of people. For some, the fear of public speaking can be stronger than being left in a fifty foot hole full of spiders. This article will help you learn that public speaking is nothing you need to be afraid of and provide a couple of simple ways for you to overcome your fear of public speaking.

If you are new to public speaking or perhaps this is going to be your first time speaking in front of a group of people, you may be wondering what your demeanor should be while giving your speech. Honestly, there aren't any set in stone guidelines when it comes to such a matter. The secret to emulating public speakers that you admire is to do exactly as they do.

That doesn't mean you should aim to mimic their actions, their style, or anything else like that. The only thing you want to do that your favorite speakers do is be yourself. That's the key to success. Just be yourself when giving your speech. Give yourself the ability to tell jokes, be charismatic, or more formal. The choice is yours. Being yourself will help you to relax and deliver an interesting and engaging speech.

Another way to overcome your fear of public speaking is to immediately rid yourself of any preconceived notion that you need to deliver a perfect speech. It's not true. Even the greatest speakers screw up from time to time. The key that you need to focus on is providing information that contains value to your audience.

Value is easy to provide when you are passionate or otherwise knowledgeable about the topic you are speaking about. Value is as simple as learning something that you did not previously know, especially if that information can help somebody achieve whatever it is that the person is seeking to accomplish.

Keeping these two points in mind when getting ready to give a public speech will go a long way in helping you to overcome your fear of public speaking. Be yourself and don't strive for perfection. Remember that a successful speech is a speech that delivers value to your audience. If your audience walks away from the speech feeling as though they have learned something that will help them to accomplish their own personal or business goals, you have done your job. There will be no doubt that your audience will view you as a successful speaker.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

There Are No Secrets To The Art Of Public Speaking

Have you ever noticed that some people just have what appears to be a natural ability to draw the attention of a room without any effort at all? If you have, you have undoubtedly witnessed somebody that has mastered the art of public speaking. Have you ever wondered how you too can become a successful speaker? If so, this article will attempt to uncover some of the secrets that the most successful speakers use to master the art of public speaking.

While some people possess the gift of public speaking without any effort, not everybody is born with a natural talent to command the attention of an audience. Despite the fact that public speaking is one the biggest phobias that humans suffer from, it's easy to overcome it if you know how.

To begin, understand that there are no real secrets to the art of public speaking. People are generally afraid of public speaking because they are afraid of failing and being seen as a failure by their audience. The way to counter this fear is to realize that your audience is not hoping for you to fail. In fact, they want to see you succeed. When you are giving your speech, be yourself and don't be afraid to show it. If you succeed, your audience ultimately succeeds as well.

How is it that your audience will succeed if you do? The answer to that lies in the second tip for mastering the art of public speaking. Your goal as a public speaker should not be to emulate the charismatic qualities of Tony Robbins. Your goal is to provide valuable information to your audience. When you take the time to think about the most successful public speakers, it is undeniable that the one thing they all have in common is that they all provide value to their audiences. You should do the same.

Finally, know your audience. Another way of saying this is to know your target market. Understand the concerns, hopes, dreams, and emotional triggers that your audience is experiencing. When you know your audience in an intimate manner like that, you are easily able to connect with them. It is your ability to connect with your audience that will keep your audience engaged and perceptive to everything you have to say.

Hopefully, you can now see that there are no real secrets to mastering the art of public speaking. It's a matter understanding that being yourself on stage, providing value to your audience, and knowing your audience will all contribute to your successful public speaking abilities. You too can now look like you were born with the natural ability to command the attention of a room full of people.